Best San Diego Realtor and Best Realtor
San Diego Realtor and Broker Glen Henderson was Known in San Diego at this year's Real Estate Circle of Excellence Awards ceremony. This is Glen's fourth successive year being nominated for the platinum award and being acknowledged as the top 1 percent of Realtors around San Diego County. In 2015, Glen was also nominated by the Union Tribune's "Best of San Diego" for best Realtor in San Diego. The top 5 percent of about 20,000 REALTORS in the county accounting for $18 billion of this Glen was awarded the Platinum Level Award, which recognizes the top 1% of real estate agents in San Diego who completed a minimum of $50,000,000 in sales for 2017, or sold 40+ homes. In addition, Glen was known for his standing at the real estate community and also for always acting together with the maximum level of ethics, integrity, and standards. Of the transactions in the county. Are directly responsible for helping 24,643 San Diegans find their next homes representing 62% Exe...